Julia Taylor-James & Raising Achievement
Programme for leaders, teachers and students.
Julia Taylor-James has developed programmes for leaders, teachers and students on emotional resilience and behavioural development and Raising Achievement is now offering these along with their other seminars and courses.
Raising Achievement provides consultation and professional development to teachers, teacher aides, SENCO/RTLB/RTLit, schools, principals, and parents, for students in at risk groups.
There is a growing importance of addressing the social, emotional and behavioural aspects of students with learning differences.
Courses available – corresponding flyer to the right.
1. One day – Whole school – Manage Your Stress and Priorities
2. Online Short Course - Personal Development & Managing Stress – Teacher Development
3. Life HACS Teachers Guide - 10 Lesson Online Course
By popular request Julia is working on a primary school programme. This will be available soon.
Why do we need these programmes now?
Increasingly we are becoming more aware that the emotional centres in the brain are more important in learning than what we thought. The Dunedin Study has taught us that some children don't develop executive functioning skills as they should - managing themselves and resources to achieve a goal. We are told about social and emotional intelligence, recognising now, more than ever how important these things are in relation to getting on in the world.
In addition, we are increasingly recognising that children with learning difficulties have social, emotional and behavioural difficulties that affect their progress and achievement.
We look forward to teachers and schools taking up these opportunities.