What kind of listener do you want to be?
Have you ever wondered, what on earth the person you’re speaking with, just heard you say, going by their response? Almost convinced...

Help your clock start ticking, with ease
The answer is, to thine own self be true. At the end of the day, you will be your best self when you know what you want for your life and...

Appearing as though your life is going well, could give the impression you’ve got it all worked out and life couldn’t be better. Not...

How often do we actually notice what we are seeing?
Looking through new eyes can be the point of difference, for the quality of life. I don’t know about you but life can be so busy we...

Who do you rub shoulders with?
BE MINDFUL OF WHO YOU RUB SHOULDERS WITH OFTEN In other words, who you spend your time with the most. Because it will rub off on you...

fEELING gOOD. I love the sentiments of this song (and the energy the music creates), it makes me ‘feel good’. Feelings are a state, ever...

Do you need to change your ‘STATE’ (of mind)?
We all have days where we are not entirely in our best form, though for some people that is rare. On that day you may feel flat, agitated...